2012年5月7日 星期一

時代表象 The Appearance of Era — 高媛個展

開幕酒會 Opening reception:2011. 5.12  20:00
展期 Exhibition period:2011. 5.11~6.15
地點 Venue:Galerie Grand Siècle 新苑藝術
電話 Tel:(02)2578-5630
1F,No.17,Alley 51,Lane 12,Sec.3, Bade Rd.,Taipei 10559,Taiwan

活躍於紐約及北京藝壇的女性藝術家高媛( KAO YUAN),將於台北新苑藝術|舉辦年度個展「時代 表象」,展期自2012年5月11日至6月15日。
去年九月,從外交部駐拉脫維亞代表處傳回來一個讓國內文化界和外交界都極為興奮的 好消息:『來自台灣的女性攝影藝術家高媛,以《十二個月亮》榮獲第八屆「立陶宛考納斯藝術雙年展」藝術首獎,成就另一道台灣之光,此次個展中展出高媛的中國三部曲系列作品: 十二個月亮、The Hero、Woman without title。



《The Hero》系列以及為對比的題材-刺青與孩子為主軸,即反思現代英雄崇拜的思考及行為,人類相信有英雄般外觀為實踐英雄行為的第一步,然在模糊的表象之下與現實之間仍有一到微妙的藩籬。

《Woman without title》將剛強的刺情圖像烙入女性陰柔的軀體,並將身體至於時代變遷的場景之中,傳達中國新一代女性的轉變,她們擁有大膽的赤裸與自信,面對當代社會,身處於價值觀變化後所強行植入的社會集體意識,猶如刺青烙印皮層,擁有著表象的絢麗,背後仍有一絲痛楚。

藝術家高媛出生於高雄 臺灣,1986年赴日留學, 日本大學摄影系畢業, 1996年移居美國纽约。1998年畢業於纽约電影学院。透過自身多元的學習背景,結合異地的生活經驗,開啟獨具一格的攝影創作,至今仍持續創作,於紐約及北京皆定期發表新作及展覽。

A female artist who is very active in New York and Beijing art field, Kao Yuan, will held her annual solo exhibition- The Appearance of Era. The exhibition will star from 11th May to 15th June, 2011. 
There was a really exciting piece of news for domestic culture and diplomacy community from the Department of State Representative office in Latvia in September last year. Female photographic artist, Kao Yuan, from Taiwan won the 8th Kaunas, Lithuania International Fabric Art Biennial Art Award with "12 Moons." And this time, Kao will exhibit her Chinese trilogy series: 12 moons, The Hero and Woman without Title. 
Kao Yuan who is very like to challenge with new environment made her photographic works ruminant social expectations under the changes of the times to discuss the illusory image of society as well as the real human desire recent years. Through her long-term observations in China, Kao had people’s appearance of imaginary generation inject her creation symbol and developed the Chinese trilogy. “12 Moons” is 12 portraits of 12 mothers and their kids which are compounded with different cities as the background. This art work implied the fast growing economy of modern society, also, a contrast between new and traditional culture. The inspiration of “moon” was from “Madonna dell Granduca” in Renaissance, 17th century. The moon means home as well as reunion, and it also represents Chinese culture. “The Hero” series used contrast subjects- kids and tattoo. It was tried to reflect the thinking and behavior of the worship for Heroes. People always believe the first step of being hero is heroic appearance, however, there’s still a delicate barrier between fuzzy appearance and reality. As “Woman without Title”, Kao branded strong tattoo images into gentleness female body and made these bodies in the scenes of the changes of the times. The artist tried to convey that the Social collective consciousness which came after the changes of China is just like tattoo. It has a brilliant appearance but also with a trance of pain.

Kao Yuan was born in Kaohsiung, South Taiwan. 
She went to study aboard in Japan in 1986 and graduated from Department of Photography of Japan university. 

Moving to New York, U.S. in 1996, Kao Yuan graduated from New York Film Academy in 1998. Through her various study background to combine different life experiences, Kao developed her unique photographic creations.
She has kept creating and presented the new works and exhibitions in Beijing and New York periodically.

